A big thank you to Suzanne for the wonderful Reiki yesterday. I feel different somehow. When I looked at Jimmy's pictures this morning, I smiled... I smiled! That is so different from the norm. Suz let me know that I have to let go of all of the feelings of letting Jimmy down, of thinking that there was more I should have done- others have told me this too, but when she said it to me yesterday- it was like a cloud overhead breaking up and the sunlight coming through. Healing will not come if I can't get rid of the negative. She also said that ANYONE that knew me and saw inside our world, would KNOW that I did everything for Jimmy. That boy and I had such a connection- a rare and beautiful connection! Suz let me know that I have to heal for Jimmy as well... I am working at this. For the first time in MANY MANY months- I slept rather well... more than 2-3 hours in a row. I credit Suz and the Reiki for that as well.
Thank you Suz- I will see you again in a month- I know you will help me through this!! :)