Let me start by saying that I agree whole heartledly - this site, until recent, has been a great place. I am sorry that things have taken this turn- that this has spilled over.
I am VERY happy to learn/know how many people love Jimmy- it made me so proud to see the wonderful man that he turned out to be, and the people around him that showed him love was an attribute to that. Thank you to everyone for this!
I am not threatened by the show of love.... my family had been affected by a post, and as a Mom- the first instinct is to protect them, which I am sure most Moms can attest to. I know Jimmy wouldn't want us hurting any more that we already are. I am sorry if this offended anyone- I truly am.
Until you have walked in my shoes, been through what I have been through, endured what I've endured and ignored what I have had to ignore- all for the sake of my son- don't be so disappointed! (You do not have the entire story)
And Mom under attack and having to defend herself... yea, that's what Jimmy would have wanted, right?!
My heart is very heavy and I am so sad to have had to type this... I would love nothing more than for everyone to get along- for wounds to heal.
I am trying to heal old wounds, trying to let go of old animosity... this is not helping my plight. We all really need to heal- step back and lick our wounds- allow them to scab over and close, so that we are protected once again from things that can hurt.