Dear friends- I was informed by my daughter a few weeks back that Jimmy's FB was gone. She called me and asked if I had done it. That answer is no. I DID contemplate it for the simple fact that the girls would come to me upset about things that were posted- I grew weary of hearing them upset and told them to just stay off of the site. That's the way I protected myself. I chose to not go on and I allowed it to remain. I didn't want to be the one that took all of that away. So Thank You to whomever removed it, now I am not the bad guy.
I don't know how many of you out there believe in the afterlife, but I am one that believes strongly. The last time I went to a medium to speak with Jimmy- he kept saying he was sorry and she said that he is feeling so guilty. He would say it over and over again "Mom, I'm sorry". His soul is not at peace yet- I believe he is watching and hates seeing the way things are here on Earth after his passing. I want him to be a happy and carefree spirit- maybe getting rid of that FB will help him to feel more free.
I have a very special friend that is helping me through all of this and all of the emotions that go with losing child. It is the WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD!!!! I struggle daily with the "what ifs"... I do not wish this on ANYONE- but I know life is filled with all of this shit- you wonder how God allows such things.
Jimmy also wanted me to try counseling because he watches as I struggle- I don't know... maybe I should - but I have always been so strong and independent, that would seem to be the total opposite of these characters.
In talking with some of my friends- they said that they have seen parents put up a memorial FB that people could go to and post pictures or events that happened with them and the loved one. I will set this up sometime today and you all will be able to post pictures of Jimmy's life with you on there. We will keep it happy and not stressful to anyone- I hope!