Well, we came back into the hospice center today. Jimmy just wasn't comfortable at home. I wanted him to try to do what he wanted. He tried it and then wasn't comfortable.... Not sure if he tried it for us or for himself more. BUT, he DID try it. They upped his meds again and he is now resting comfortably. His sister, Shelley, went out and got him a neck pillow. We are all on such edge- all going through so many emotions. I sit at his side and I hold all of my emotions in- I want to stay strong... not just for him, but for all of the others as well. Addy is holding strong as well. She is a good girl. I was so happy that she decided not to run when Jimmy was diagnosed- she has been a major part of this journey thus far.
Thank you all for the continuing prayers for Jimmy and Addy.