Last night didn't go too badly. Jeff, a.k.a. fish, he walked the trail with Jimmy, came over last night after we got settled in. Jimmy had a lot of pain- the trip was very painful and exhausting for him. The nurse came and did her thing. I showed her that the dilaudid was almost empty- she said that if she thought he would run out overnight she would call. She did her calculations and sure enough she gave me a call later to tell me that Horizon would be delivering a bag to us around 11pm. The dude that had to mix it came in from Harrisburg to do it for Jimmy. The med got here around 10- I called nurse to let her know and she showed up around 10:30-11 to change it over. She did her thing and left. We gave Jimmy his benedryl and got him settled in. Addy warned me that she would probably be calling me around 4am to help Jimmy up to urinate. (He said he didn't have to before bed) Sure enough, right before 4 my phone rang. Up out of bed and down the steps- helped Addy with Jimmy, gave him another dose of benedryl and off to sleep. 8am med- decadron - I get it ready and feel badly that I have to go in and wake them. As I walk in Jimmy's head comes off of bed- he was already awake. I gave meds and got him some ice water and ice for his brisk tea- get him a few sips as Addy is by his side pushing his bolus button to get his pain under some sort of control. When the nurse comes out today- they will be upping it again....
Continue prayers for pain relief and peace! Thank you!!