I want to personally thank everybody for basically being so wonderful and being there for Jimmy and his family. Getting the chance to know everybody these past few months has truly been a blessing. While I wish there never had been a need for this web site, I feel honored to have been the one to administer it. Thank you everybody for letting your feelings be known through the guestbook, and thank you for reciprocating the love that Jimmy gave to everyone he knew.
Marie was surprised to learn the number of people that are still visiting the site on a daily basis, and suggested that I post some of the numbers here for all to see. I think it shows just how far Jimmy's story has reached, shows the boundlessness of his love, and the amount of love that people have for him.
From the site's launch on December 19th, 2011 until writing this (and the numbers are still climbing):
- 8,604 Visits
- 1,716 Unique Visitors
- 11 Different Countries
- 40 Different States
- Highest Number of Visits in One Day - 404 (20 April)
I will be, in time, changing this site to be a slideshow of any and all pictures and written memories I can collect of Jimmy and the adventures he had in life. I will be maintaining this site for as long as is possible in his memory, since his inspirations will last a lifetime, so should this memorial. I ask that if you have any photos or short stories (one paragraph or less please) that can be added to the slideshow, please email them to me at kpmsites@gmail.com.
Again, thank you so much everyone. It has been my absolute honor to have been involved in the sharing of such a wonderful and inspirational life. I can only hope and pray that I have provided a worthy service to those that needed it most.