Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Now I know what I'm doing!

Ok, so I have the app on my iPhone now and can give some updates myself!! Thank you to mom for and Paul for keeping everybody up to date. Also I'd like to thank everybody who has signed my guest book, I have been just posting to Facebook lately because frankly I'm not that Internet savvy and didn't think I could figure this out/ didn't feel like it in the hospital. But now that I've got this app it's super easy and I can do everything from it. Marc, this is the only way I know how to get a hold of you and the family. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers, and I sure did miss seeing everyone on thanksgiving! We'll have to see how Christmas plays out as far as travel and health, but maybe the I can shake some hands and get some hugs then! But until next time, again, a big thank you to everyone who is following here at the website and I will be posting with updates as they come as well now!

Amazing AT themed cake

My girlfriends mom surprised me with this super well detailed cake themed after the Appalachian trail. It's detailed down to the white blazes on the trees, water splashing from the fish diving in, official AT signs, and even a waterfall falling off the side of the thing! I was blown away. Thank you again Deann!!

Stupid tube in the nose

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



We got news today that Jimmy would be coming home early on this morning. Then we were told that Dr would be in to fill out discharge papers and she normally comes around noon... still awesome... we will be home around 1pm!! WRONG- the bomb was dropped that it would be 4pm because we had to wait on Horizon.... bummer. I ran to LCC to get his injection of Lovenox, came back to hospital and the Dr STILL hadn't been there to see him and this was after 2pm. In the meantime got a phone call that Horizon was going to be more like 5pm... ugh, yet another bummer!!

We decided we would go down to the cafe to eat the "hospital food" one last time... Not what Jimmy was looking forward to! :(

Dr came in around 3:30pm. Got the discharge papers filled out and ready to go. Got a call that Horizon would be early.... YAY!! They got there at 3:45... we are singing and dancing at this point thinking wooo hooo... we are going hooome, we are going hooome!!!! The dude dropped off 3 bags and 1 large box of supplies and left. SOoooo, we called the nurse in and said "ok- let's get going!! Get us out of here"!! She said that we had to wait on the visiting nurse from Horizon to come and start the pump of pain meds to go home with. UGH!! Wind out of sail once again! MAN... OK, so we wait another hour plus... ugh! So here comes VNA - a different nursing organization- at 5pm. We were talking to her about our frustrations and she said she was sorry and she could have been there earlier! DOH!! Ok, move on... she gets the subcutaneous needle ready for the pain pump- it has to go into his belly... she pushes the first one in- won't allow flush to move through... grrr. She pulls it out and finds that needle had bent and tried spot number two. I am watching Jimmy's face... this is the FIRST TIME I have seen pain on his face with needles- (Momma is getting a little pissed)... she pushes on the SECOND needle and tries to run flush- GUESS WHAT?! Yep, you guessed it... that one bent too!!! (Momma is really NOT HAPPY NOW). I said can we please wait til we get home quickly and get the numbing gel on him before we try it again.... SOOooo again- THIRD SPOT pushed needle in- watched pain on Jimmy's face (heart breaking).... took a little force, but finally the flush went in- THANK GOD!!!! Ok, time to get this dang pain medicine pumping, because at this point he was unhooked from the hospital line of pain meds. Put the battery in... go through set up. NOTHING- WHAAAAAT?!?! Horizon forgot to send the key needed in order to unlock the pump because after all--- it IS a controlled substance!! We are all but fuming at this point... not hooked up, and we have to wait on someone to show up with the key in order for Jimmy to have any pain meds?!?!!!!! he asked the nurse almost immediately if he could get a dose before we left through his port- she called the Dr and made it happen within MOMENTS!! *Phew*

Packed up and started out of hospital- Jimmy walking and wheelchair filled with supplies!! haha the one nurse HOOKED US UP!! In the one hall Jimmy felt that his gauze that was over his newly removed IV site - he got it out of his sleeve to see that it was completely blood soaked (Heparin doing it's job alright)- the nurse that was walking out with us (same one that hooked us up with supplies) RAN DOWN THE HALL for more gauze and tape... got back a little winded and said - open up that alcohol swab and clean that off. So I did as ordered- haha- and got his arm cleaned up- she proceeded to place the covering on it and she saw that he had it all over his fingers... she ordered him at that point to clean of his hand!! :) MAN WE LOVE HER!! :) OK- NOW can we go HOME?!?!?!?! Got everything packed into car- she gave us our very warm and loving hugs and we were FREE!!!!! We got home and less than 15 minutes the VNA nurse was at the door- YAY. She came in and started the paperwork.... and not long after that the key came for the pump.... YAY!! Got the pain pump started... Jimmy pushed the button for his "extra dose" to be sure that it worked before we would let her leave. WORKED!!! Now on to getting the vitamins injected into his TPN... I open a syringe and 2 viles of vitamins... inject air into vile, and then draw all liquid from that vile- go to next vile and do the same thing. Then inject it into the TPN and do this all under the watchful eye of the nurse who watches my every move and gives me advice. DONE- on to next step- giving Jimmy his Lovenox injection... OH MAN- where to find fat pocket on this boy???- NOWHERE!! He chooses back of arm. I get syringe ready because we have to waste some out of each syringe because it doesn't come in 60- only 80. Now, take the alcohol wipe and wipe the spot he chose- pinch the arm and push in needle... administer Lovenox and pull needle out- look at site to be sure he is not bleeding. Done now until he's ready for bed and then we hook up the TPN. He's now sitting here with one of his very good friends, Ryan. It's GREAT to have him home!!!!!!!!!! Oh, BTW- he's sitting in there eating mac & cheese right now!!! YAY... OMG YAY!!!!!! (I sigh in happiness!!)

Thank you everyone for your continuing thoughts and prayers!!

And NEXT TIME will do injection BETTER- sorry Jimmy.... :(

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28th

Jimmy is doing pretty well. Doing lots of laps around the hospital. He loves the freedom, and the feeling of having the energy (although pushing it a bit) to go to cafe and such. Today was his first fresh air in TWENTY THREE days!!!! He and I did a little trip outdoors ... it was PERFECT!! The day couldn't have been any better!!! Beautiful blue skies, small breeze and 71 degrees... Oh yeah!! Everything is in line for us to bring him home.... we just have to wait and hope that it all plays out accordingly. Pain pump is ordered and ready... TPN (nutrition through IV) is ordered and ready.... have to stop at LCC for the Lovenox (blood thinner), which will be an injection, on the way home once he is discharged. It will be so GREAT to have Jimmy home. We have LOTS of plans for Christmas dinner this year... I am looking forward it!!! Keep positive thoughts flowing everyone!! <3 :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Give thanks on THANKSgiving... yes... Jimmy's obstruction is CLEAR!!! YAY!!!!! This means that he will soon be able to begin his journey back to normal foods. It will take a little while to get back to burgers and such, but this is SOOOO awesome!! We were afraid that it would take another blast of chemo in order to shrink the tumor enough to be cleared!! But thank God- it has happened after THIS blast of chemo!! So thanks to all of you out there praying and even the positive thoughts and vibes sent his way... it's amazing... it works!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 23rd, 2011

Well, it looks as if we will be here at LGH for Thanksgiving... which is fine with me, as that means he is still here to fight this battle. Jimmy hasn't had anything to eat or drink for about 7 days now. He does enjoy the stash of hard candy that he has though!! :) Things to give thanks for.... the swelling has not returned to ankles, his blood work for heparin has stayed level (they don't have to up the dose), his vitals have remained steady and he is able to sleep pretty well! ALL of these are blessings. he is now on his third round of chemo- but this is a true learning curve as this is the first round that he has been awake for- the first time he hadn't been taking the correct dose of pain meds (was unaware he was allowed to up dose), the second time he doesn't remember a thing because he was not reacting well at all to the new pain med being administered. He lost 3 entire days from the meds. This time he is aware of his side effects and such. Says he would rather sleep through it again- :P
The nutritionist was here earlier to talk about TPN (nutrition through IV)- I guess this will be his Thanksgiving Dinner?! They will start out with a low dose at 800 calories and see how his body reacts over a 24 hour period then bump him straight up to 2200 calories after the 24 hour period if all looks good.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Update for November 15th, 2011

Today Jimmy was torn with emotion... his ankles have began to swell.. people give us different reasons and different ways to rectify this. After the CT scan this morning he and I went down to the cafeteria to get some "real food" for him. He very much enjoyed getting out of the room and better yet, off of the entire 8th floor. When we got back his nurse came in and let us know that he had developed small blood clots in his lungs- MAN... talk about having the wind taken out of your sail!! Got some reading material on the developing clots and did some of his own research. After speaking to the nurse whom assured us that this is quite normal in patients with cancer and that we had caught it very early, she had no fears that they would break up and be voided by his body- they put him on blood thinners so that the clots would not continue to grow larger. Later on in the afternoon one of his favorite nurses came in and gave us some FABULOUS news.... the CT scan showed that one of the larger tumors has been beaten down a bit!! THE CHEMO IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This brought the wind back to his sail and it was awesome to see!! I can't even explain the feeling!! :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Update from Jimmy, November 14th

These past 9 days in the hospital have been quite a roller coaster ride of emotions, thoughts and sometimes some pretty intense pains as well. But with the help of the amazing dr's (dr. DeGreen and Miller especially) and nurses and staff you know who you are, and obviously my devoted visitors you all know who you are too, it has also been quite pleasurable! As pleasurable as a hospital stay can be I believe!! It's because of this support that I can maintain a healthy positive attitude and continue to do my best with what I've got to work with. My brother goes for a colonoscopy this week sometime too, so keep him in your thoughts as well and hopefully he is clear and well! Also a big shout out to Paul for putting this website together and opening up another pathway to communicate with people effortlessly! You have been quite helpful and the site looks great!! Anyway today is Monday 11/14/11 and I'm feeling pretty well, hoping to be home sometime this week!! Keep your fingers crossed again for my brother, thanks everybody I love you all!!
-Jim Faus (Uncle J-Bird)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Message from Jimmy

I'd just really like to sincerely thank everybody from the bottom of my heart for all of the help, prayers and support that they've shown and given to me. This is quite an unfortunate event that has happened here in my life but I'm staying positive thanks to all of you who have hope and faith that I can do it. it's a struggle daily but that's just like the trail, one step at a time!! And I did say that if I could finish the AT, I felt like I could accomplish anything, you just have to want it badly enough!!! And you had better believe I want to beat this shit pretty badly, sometimes it IS good to be stubborn!! Thanks again to everybody who is visiting and keeping up with what's been going on with my new journey of a lifetime!

Fundraiser Events

Hey everybody, this is Paul, the creator of this web site. Obviously, Jimmy's Mom and the rest of his family are quite busy with everything going on, and understandably don't have much time to dedicate to this web site and events and the like. I am posting to ask that if you have information for an upcoming fundraiser or other event related to Jimmy and his family, you can send me the information and I will get it posted here on the site. Don't forget to include dates/times, location, contact information (if applicable), description, as well as anything people might need to download/print to bring along with them.

If you have any pictures that you think would be good to put in the gallery, you can email them to me as well, and I will post them once they are approved.

Also, if you have any suggestions for this site, or if you find a problem with it, please feel free to email me.

If you have no contact information for me, then please use, thank you!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Update for November 10th, 2011

We are in LGH still and will be focusing on pain management in order to get him home. Weening him off of IV to pill form so that his pain will be better managed at home- and hopefully not change this time. They are thinking that the reason it stopped working last time is people's bodies become used to the morphine and it just stops blocking the pain. He will be on a medicine that is NOT supposed to do that. He has gotten his second chemo treatment... This one has been a lot tougher on his body... We can only hope that the next ones will go better. Do keep the prayers and thoughts coming for Jimmy for all of the upcoming events that will be happening!!

Thank You and God Bless

Welcome to!

Thank you for joining us as we watch j-bird's journey to win his battle. I, Momma Dukes, am so happy and humbled by all of the love and caring that has enveloped Jimmy, not only now, but over the years as well. He has made a lot of friends and these are the true attributes to his fight or flight mode. Thank you to all involved in his life and now in his current battle... we are aware it will be a hard road- but Jimmy is up for the challenge and we have a very steady and STRONG family base!! Visit as often as you would like as the site will change from time to time. Off we go.....

There is still plenty coming for this site, so check back often!