Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Update for November 15th, 2011

Today Jimmy was torn with emotion... his ankles have began to swell.. people give us different reasons and different ways to rectify this. After the CT scan this morning he and I went down to the cafeteria to get some "real food" for him. He very much enjoyed getting out of the room and better yet, off of the entire 8th floor. When we got back his nurse came in and let us know that he had developed small blood clots in his lungs- MAN... talk about having the wind taken out of your sail!! Got some reading material on the developing clots and did some of his own research. After speaking to the nurse whom assured us that this is quite normal in patients with cancer and that we had caught it very early, she had no fears that they would break up and be voided by his body- they put him on blood thinners so that the clots would not continue to grow larger. Later on in the afternoon one of his favorite nurses came in and gave us some FABULOUS news.... the CT scan showed that one of the larger tumors has been beaten down a bit!! THE CHEMO IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This brought the wind back to his sail and it was awesome to see!! I can't even explain the feeling!! :)