These past 9 days in the hospital have been quite a roller coaster ride of emotions, thoughts and sometimes some pretty intense pains as well. But with the help of the amazing dr's (dr. DeGreen and Miller especially) and nurses and staff you know who you are, and obviously my devoted visitors you all know who you are too, it has also been quite pleasurable! As pleasurable as a hospital stay can be I believe!! It's because of this support that I can maintain a healthy positive attitude and continue to do my best with what I've got to work with. My brother goes for a colonoscopy this week sometime too, so keep him in your thoughts as well and hopefully he is clear and well! Also a big shout out to Paul for putting this website together and opening up another pathway to communicate with people effortlessly! You have been quite helpful and the site looks great!! Anyway today is Monday 11/14/11 and I'm feeling pretty well, hoping to be home sometime this week!! Keep your fingers crossed again for my brother, thanks everybody I love you all!!
-Jim Faus (Uncle J-Bird)