Well, it looks as if we will be here at LGH for Thanksgiving... which is fine with me, as that means he is still here to fight this battle. Jimmy hasn't had anything to eat or drink for about 7 days now. He does enjoy the stash of hard candy that he has though!! :) Things to give thanks for.... the swelling has not returned to ankles, his blood work for heparin has stayed level (they don't have to up the dose), his vitals have remained steady and he is able to sleep pretty well! ALL of these are blessings. he is now on his third round of chemo- but this is a true learning curve as this is the first round that he has been awake for- the first time he hadn't been taking the correct dose of pain meds (was unaware he was allowed to up dose), the second time he doesn't remember a thing because he was not reacting well at all to the new pain med being administered. He lost 3 entire days from the meds. This time he is aware of his side effects and such. Says he would rather sleep through it again- :P
The nutritionist was here earlier to talk about TPN (nutrition through IV)- I guess this will be his Thanksgiving Dinner?! They will start out with a low dose at 800 calories and see how his body reacts over a 24 hour period then bump him straight up to 2200 calories after the 24 hour period if all looks good.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!