Hey everybody, this is Paul, the creator of this web site. Obviously, Jimmy's Mom and the rest of his family are quite busy with everything going on, and understandably don't have much time to dedicate to this web site and events and the like. I am posting to ask that if you have information for an upcoming fundraiser or other event related to Jimmy and his family, you can send me the information and I will get it posted here on the site. Don't forget to include dates/times, location, contact information (if applicable), description, as well as anything people might need to download/print to bring along with them.
If you have any pictures that you think would be good to put in the gallery, you can email them to me as well, and I will post them once they are approved.
Also, if you have any suggestions for this site, or if you find a problem with it, please feel free to email me.
If you have no contact information for me, then please use kpmsites@gmail.com, thank you!