For a couple of days Jimmy has been feeling kinda nauseous and just 'not right'. Today he was dizzy. He thought that he was getting a cold or something. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! That could be devastating!! He has to be soooo careful with germs. He needs to be wearing a mask to the stores and gloves so as NOT to touch where others have touched. It is ONE LITTLE germ that could take him down.
Addy took him to LCC for fluids. They spent 2 hours there while they accessed his port with needed fluids. He said he is feeling better now. Glad to hear that.
Addy just made some bacon bleu cheese sliders!! Of course he ate some of them on potato rolls!! wooo hooo
Tomorrow he gets blood drawn to see what his counts are for the Thursday Erbitux. (Thank God that it is covered by insurance- here we go on our path to a 24% better chance at kicking it). Praying that his counts are within good limits for the treatment. He may have to do nupegin shots to boost his white blood cells- sooo, I guess we shall see what happens. He hates those injections because they make his bones and joints hurt! :(
Thursday morning before his 3 hour treatment we will be taking lunch over to the WONDERFUL people in the bakery at Oregon Dairy for the beautiful cake that was given to us. I can't wait for them to meet Jimmy. Cathy is very excited to to see Jimmy. To see what a special person he is- it's amazing the feelings that come through from people that don't even know us!! We plan on taking a meat & cheese platter with assorted crusty rolls, macaroni salad, chips & pickles. IIII am even excited... I LOVE doing stuff for people - it's second nature to me, but they FEEL so special and it just gives me such warm feelings.
He has to feel better soon- he will be heading to the Poconos for his eagle watching weekend!!!