Monday, April 23, 2012

Thank You Everybody

I want to personally thank everybody for basically being so wonderful and being there for Jimmy and his family. Getting the chance to know everybody these past few months has truly been a blessing. While I wish there never had been a need for this web site, I feel honored to have been the one to administer it. Thank you everybody for letting your feelings be known through the guestbook, and thank you for reciprocating the love that Jimmy gave to everyone he knew.

Marie was surprised to learn the number of people that are still visiting the site on a daily basis, and suggested that I post some of the numbers here for all to see. I think it shows just how far Jimmy's story has reached, shows the boundlessness of his love, and the amount of love that people have for him.

From the site's launch on December 19th, 2011 until writing this (and the numbers are still climbing):

  • 8,604 Visits
  • 1,716 Unique Visitors
  • 11 Different Countries
  • 40 Different States
  • Highest Number of Visits in One Day - 404 (20 April)

I will be, in time, changing this site to be a slideshow of any and all pictures and written memories I can collect of Jimmy and the adventures he had in life. I will be maintaining this site for as long as is possible in his memory, since his inspirations will last a lifetime, so should this memorial. I ask that if you have any photos or short stories (one paragraph or less please) that can be added to the slideshow, please email them to me at

Again, thank you so much everyone. It has been my absolute honor to have been involved in the sharing of such a wonderful and inspirational life. I can only hope and pray that I have provided a worthy service to those that needed it most.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Celebration Of Life

The celebration of life:
Sunday April 22nd at Garden Spot Village (433 South Kinzer Avenue in New Holland)- taking place in the chapel. I encourage you all (who has) to wear your Team J-Bird shirts to help lift us all. The viewing will be from 2:30-5:00PM. Immediate family will be viewing from 2-2:30pm. Please allow us that time to prepare for our guests. There will be a ceremony following the viewing and then refreshments served "Jimmy Style" at the indoor park at GSV immediately following the ceremony. Thank you all again for your words and all of the thoughts and prayers.

Ok- I lied to you all

I will be posting one more time after this... I have to give the celebration of life information to anyone that wants to come and celebrate Jimmy's life with us. This will be posted later today.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jimmy is at peace

Jimmy is at rest now. He has no more pain. This will be my last post. Thank you all so much for your time, thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting lately. Things suck out loud. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for Jimmy. He still needs the peace of heart and mind.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Back in hospice center

Well, we came back into the hospice center today. Jimmy just wasn't comfortable at home. I wanted him to try to do what he wanted. He tried it and then wasn't comfortable.... Not sure if he tried it for us or for himself more. BUT, he DID try it. They upped his meds again and he is now resting comfortably. His sister, Shelley, went out and got him a neck pillow. We are all on such edge- all going through so many emotions. I sit at his side and I hold all of my emotions in- I want to stay strong... not just for him, but for all of the others as well. Addy is holding strong as well. She is a good girl. I was so happy that she decided not to run when Jimmy was diagnosed- she has been a major part of this journey thus far.
Thank you all for the continuing prayers for Jimmy and Addy.

First Night Home

Last night didn't go too badly. Jeff, a.k.a. fish, he walked the trail with Jimmy, came over last night after we got settled in. Jimmy had a lot of pain- the trip was very painful and exhausting for him. The nurse came and did her thing. I showed her that the dilaudid was almost empty- she said that if she thought he would run out overnight she would call. She did her calculations and sure enough she gave me a call later to tell me that Horizon would be delivering a bag to us around 11pm. The dude that had to mix it came in from Harrisburg to do it for Jimmy. The med got here around 10- I called nurse to let her know and she showed up around 10:30-11 to change it over. She did her thing and left. We gave Jimmy his benedryl and got him settled in. Addy warned me that she would probably be calling me around 4am to help Jimmy up to urinate. (He said he didn't have to before bed) Sure enough, right before 4 my phone rang. Up out of bed and down the steps- helped Addy with Jimmy, gave him another dose of benedryl and off to sleep. 8am med- decadron - I get it ready and feel badly that I have to go in and wake them. As I walk in Jimmy's head comes off of bed- he was already awake. I gave meds and got him some ice water and ice for his brisk tea- get him a few sips as Addy is by his side pushing his bolus button to get his pain under some sort of control. When the nurse comes out today- they will be upping it again....
Continue prayers for pain relief and peace! Thank you!!

Friday, April 13, 2012


We will be going home again today. Jimmy doesn't want to leave until 5pm. I think that he just picked a time out of his hat, but whatever he is comfortable with, we will do. We are a little anxious about moving him (himself included), because of all the pain involved with each movement. His Dad (Troy) suggested red rose transit so that we would just have to move him from the bed to wheelchair to his bed. The team here is getting it all lined up to execute at the time chosen by Jimmy. Otherwise it would be from bed to wheelchair to car to wheelchair to bed. That just seems like too many unnecessary steps of pain to put him through. There will be a nurse meeting us at the house to get him settled and up his pain meds again. His legs are so thin- he just sat and stared at them yesterday with a totally sad look in his face. That hurt to watch. I want so much to take this away from him. I want to be the Mom from years ago that could pick him up and hug and kiss away the pains......
Continue praying for peace in his heart, calm in his mind and no pain in his being. Thank You

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm sorry I haven't posted for a little while. I STILL HATE CANCER! Jimmy is having trouble swallowing water at this point. This all sucks so bad for us to watch. I so wish that there was a magic wand for us to fix this all........
Please pray for peace in Jimmy's heart and mind. And for NO PAIN- NO MORE PAIN. Also pray for Addy.....

Sunday, April 8, 2012


We are so very lucky to have Suzanne Martin on our side!! She is such an amazing person, as well as her daughter Sarah. Thank you both for dropping what you were doing to come and help Jimmy this evening. He has been so restless these past two days and not getting any REAL rest. Thanks to you two this evening, he is at ease more than I have seen these past 2 days. I don't think that you will ever know the IMPACT of your selflessness!! I love you both very much. You have touched us like no others through these reiki sessions and your friendship!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hospice inpatient care facility

Jimmy didn't get any better with nausea. He wanted to get an NG tube. We were hoping that they would be able to do it at the house- but they don't. So, we chose the closer facility as to keep him out of bumpy car as much as possible. This facility is only 4 miles from where we live. It is a very nice facility- they are kind and caring. We will be able to push Jimmy out into the sun if he wants later. They upped his pain med pretty good and is hooked up- now time will tell if he gets the relief he needs. We keep the demand dose pushed every 15 minutes for him.


I got Jimmy's meds together and Addy gave them to Jimmy around 11:00. Addy called me around 12:30 to let me know that he was nauseous and that she will be calling the nurse. She called and they wanted her to do a suppository- she had never done that before. She called me back and asked me to go down and help her. I go down and Jimmy is on the side of bed- he's very distraught. He began throwing up- Addy was right there with the bucket for him. He also wanted to wait on the nurse for the suppository. When she got there he asked if it could go in stoma. Yes, it can... both Addy and I were glad for that. So, we watched the nurse administer this suppository- she pushed her finger's length into the stoma to assure it was placed well. He felt relief pretty quickly. (of course, NEVER QUICK ENOUGH) He was ready to lie down. I got up on the bed and Addy got his feet- I heisted under his arms and Addy at the same time pulled his feet up and around. She got him covered and turned the fan on for him. I hurt his under arms. He is so weak and delicate - I HATE hurting him anymore than he already hurts. We have a blanket under him to move him so we don't have to touch him... but he was in an odd position and we couldn't use that. :( I need to give Addy so many props for helping in the care of Jimmy. She could've ran- she didn't HAVE to stay and deal with all of this. She is a very special person- I know we have not always been on the best of terms, but she has changed and TOTALLY stepped up to the plate here- what a wonderful soul she has. Ilove you Addy!! Thank you so much!
I came out this morning and there was a note on the counter that she had given Jimmy another suppository at 7:30. It's almost ten and the nurse should be calling soon - then we have our 10am meds to give. I have normally waited until 10 to go into the hospital room (waited in waiting room for hours mostly) because I know how tough it was getting rest in there with all of the nights I spent- it was terrible. So, I will continue that here as well. It's almost time for me to go check things out- I hope he has a good day!!

Friday, April 6, 2012


We got home and settled in around 5. Nurse was here and we went over our new list of meds and what we have to do. Jimmy was looking so comfortable. Addy handed him the remote to the bed and he immediately got to the 'zero gravity' position and then hit the 'massage' button.... then came the smile and nod of the head! I hope that all goes well here and he is fine - we (Jimmy and I) are both nervous. I know we can call and get a nurse any time, it's just not the same as pushing a button. It is very nice to see him in his room though. Addy is very excited to be in a REAL bed too!! And here we go.....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


That was one of the MOST POWERFUL reikis ever! We had 4 people doing the reiki. It was an amazing session. We had that much energy going that we wiped out Jimmy's IV pump. It was beeping and blinking 'malfunctioning' across the screen, then it tried to reboot and then went totally blank. I had to call a nurse in to fix it- she was so perplexed... she said "I don't know what that was- I never saw that before, Sorry." So- yea, that tells you just how much energy was being thrown around in this room. CRAZY! now Jimmy is in his reiki trance now. This was so needed by him. To let light into his heart and to allow the mind to be a little more at ease. We also worked on his muscle strength.
Jimmy will be getting a well deserved Reiki today from our wonderful Suzanne!! I am so happy that she is able to help Jimmy out like this. He NEEDS this!!
Thank You Suzanne- you are one of the most giving people I have ever come across! We love you!

Monday, April 2, 2012

I F@#%&*# HATE CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!