Friday, February 3, 2012

Chemo... a necessary evil

I hate watching what chemo does to my big strong boy. :(.... This was the first double header he had yesterday. He will now have these double headers every other week. By double header I mean he will get his regular bi-weekly chemo regimen and they have now added the Erbitux weekly, so they are BOTH given every other week. Man, it was 8 hours at LCC and then he comes home to get hooked into his 46 hour 5FU. He could barely stand yesterday after the chemo. He staggered into the house when we got here- holy crap! :(
I KNOW it is doing it's job... and I KNOW he won't live without it- but that sure as heck doesn't make it easy to watch!!!
Sadly saying,
love and hugs to all.....