Friday, February 10, 2012

F-ing Cancer

This Erbitux regimen they added is really taking my boy down! He lost the weight, as you know from prior post-
He had a reiki massage tonight from good friend Suzanne Martin... she has been such a Godsend to us. Her hands do wonders!! I'm hoping that this round will get him some appetite back. He asked me just a few minutes ago about starting the TPN. Nutrition through port again. I called doc and the one on call will be trying to get some info on getting him hooked up- apparently it is quite an ordeal and has to be ordered before 3pm in order to get it for that day. I remember that from the hospital. It IS specific to him only- it's not like they have a storage closet of the stuff lying around. SOooo I understand..... DOESN'T MEAN THAT I LIKE IT!!!! I just understand it!! Anyhow, he said that he has NO DESIRE to have any type of food - none at all!! :(
His good bud, Jeff (fish- name from trail) is here with him right now. I really enjoy that he has GREAT friends like this!! In times of need- they are here!!
Today, Addy's mom, Deann was able to help out. She came and spent the day with her son in law to be!! Thank You!! If ONLY I didn't have to work... I would not have to ever worry about who would be here- what days everyone has off.... saaad faaace... BIG SAD FACE :(((
I DO appreciate all of the help, don't get me wrong!! AND I know that these people are MORE than happy to help!! It makes everyone feel useful- because this damn cancer thing makes us all feel SO HELPLESS!!
Maybe over the weekend I will be able to put together THE STORY and let us all share in happiness and love!!
Love and hugs to all.....