Friday, February 17, 2012

This Boy O Mine

He NEVER ceases to amaze me ... NEVER!! I came home today after work (Jimmy's future mother in law was here) and this kid had eaten- - - YAY... not much, but he ate. He is hot on blueberries right now. He had a blueberry strudel and then half of a PB&J. After Deann left, I went down to give meds to Jimmy and we started talking about this fantastic bed. He said "Take it a ride"... ha... so, I climbed in the other side and he showed me what it had- I 'kicked the tires' as they say. WOW- this bed is awesome. I know it will do his body good. He gave me the remote... (YES, I said REMOTE)... and I was looking at the different buttons. I asked "what does this do?" pointing to one of the buttons- he said "let's try er out"! And we did... oh man... it is called 'zero gravity'- OOOOooooOOOOOoooohhhhh MMMYYYyyyyy GOOOOooooosssshhh!
THAT IS WHERE IT'S AT!! We stayed in that position for quite some time... oh yea, it was very nice. Took you far away from where you were, that's for sure.
So, he was joking with me, laughing, talking about 'my day'... Addy, Deann and Jimmy will know what I'm saying- ha... it was just awesome to have that time with him THE DAY AFTER THAT HORRIBLE TREATMENT!! Such a strong boy I have... such a strong boy.
His buddy, Jeff, called to see if he wanted anything- and he said yes, apple fritter and chocolate milk!! HAAAAAaaaaaaaa... apple fritter and chocolate milk. Well, when Jeff got to the store they didn't have the apple fritter- soooo, he got a BLUEBERRY pie. OH- and he also got KFC...
Love and hugs to all.....