Saturday, March 10, 2012

Long break

Man it feels like forever since I've had chemo, and it's great! A big huge thank you to Suzanne, my reiki masseuse for another amazing session!! Anybody needs any type of massage should definitely look her up first!!! Anyhow, this break feels so much like a necessity, although I also know we need to keep the fight up daily. Starting to force myself to do walks and a sort of stair exercise as well to make sure I don't just wither away. That kinda sucks but it must be done. And I've gotta shower as well today I believe, not that I'm that ripe yet, just feels kinda nice even though it feels like a huge job too at this point. It's either up 14 stairs and do it or use the stand up shower downstairs but can't get out of the water. Probably upstairs... Sooo for right now appointment wise I've got a root canal on the 13th to finish up and chemo on the 15th so yeah to that! Gonna be one hell of a week!! Thanks again to all following the journey and sending out positive thoughts and prayers I appreciate you all and will update again ASAP!!
J-Bird and that's the word, everybody knows that the bird is the word